Sunday, April 20, 2008

Speaking Out Against Islamic Child Abuse

I found this post over at Miss Beth's Victory Dance, wherein the question is asked,
What constitues pedophilia in the Muslim world?
The answer is quite disturbing, but it does give us another reason to fight against the Jihad. I swiped this video from the same post. In the end, if Islam is ever going to join the rest of the world in the 21st century, it will be due to brave Muslim women like Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Wafa Sultan, and Ghada Jawsheer, who exposes Islamic-approved child abuse. How far does this child abuse go? Here are some excerpts from a book by Ayatollah Khomeini. Not only are they not "work safe", but some people might even find them disturbing and disgusting.

UPDATE, 4/27: According to Rancher;
I was going to dump on Iran but the Khomeini quotes seem to be a hoax. From Wikipedia:

A book "Tahrirolvasyleh", cited on the Internet, which quotes the Shia Ayatollah Khomeini approving of sex with animals under certain conditions, is unconfirmed and possibly a forgery.[43] Though the book Tahrir-ul-Vasyleh does exist, there is widespread suspicion concerning the existence and authenticity of such a "fourth book".

The cite itself is widespread,[9] [10] [11] [12] however it is contested whether such a fourth volume of Tahrirolvasyleh ever in fact existed (see relevant article for more). No evidence of verified translations or cited references seems to be found in the hands of independent (Western) or other notable Islamic scholars and the main sources seem to be anti-Islamic in nature.

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At 2:26 PM, Blogger Happy Elf Mom (Christine) said...

Harry, I've linked your blog in a post. This is incredible bad stuff.

I couldn't believe the interviewer trying to turn on the lady and saying pretty much that she's just angry and doesn't like men!! When you're talking about sex with month-old children???


At 9:25 AM, Blogger Rita Loca said...

What a brave woman!

At 11:56 AM, Blogger Rancher said...

I need to post this also, it further shows who we fight, those of us who are fighting anyway.

At 9:17 PM, Blogger Harry said...

She should be posted as often as Wafa Sultan and Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

At 8:32 PM, Blogger Pen of Jen said...

Is she still alive? I have studied Islam and Muslims, because when I was a girl(teen) a very huge mosque was built near my home town.

Now that I am in the West I have the perfect explanation as to who the Muslims are, they are like the False fronts of the west. A pretend front(here in the western world) and the disgusting filth on the back. The western world has breeched a point of no return on the political correctness, and the gratuity given to this *peaceful* religion.

France cannot cover up the daily auto burnings done by these *youth*. We will not wake up, sadly. Oh and western women will not make a stand for these women? I do not get it?!?!?!?!

At 12:01 PM, Blogger Rancher said...

I was going to dump on Iran but the Khomeini quotes seem to be a hoax. From Wikipedia:

A book "Tahrirolvasyleh", cited on the Internet, which quotes the Shia Ayatollah Khomeini approving of sex with animals under certain conditions, is unconfirmed and possibly a forgery.[43] Though the book Tahrir-ul-Vasyleh does exist, there is widespread suspicion concerning the existence and authenticity of such a "fourth book".

The cite itself is widespread,[9] [10] [11] [12] however it is contested whether such a fourth volume of Tahrirolvasyleh ever in fact existed (see relevant article for more). No evidence of verified translations or cited references seems to be found in the hands of independent (Western) or other notable Islamic scholars and the main sources seem to be anti-Islamic in nature.

At 8:57 PM, Blogger Harry said...

I'm kind of glad is phony since there is one less "authority" excusing child abuse.


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