Friday, July 01, 2005

Places to Go, Things to See

Go to American Digest for a thought provoking piece called, The Political Art and the Art of Politics.

Here is one I like from Eternity Road called, The Problem Of Islam. He must be a fellow "islamophobe".

James Likeks offers his take on Gitmo, giving it all the seriousness it deserves.

In my younger days I was an Alice Cooper fan. I still have my vinyl copies of Killer and Love It To Death. This interview with Alice Cooper shows the real Alice. I've got a lot of respect for the man.

NOTE: I found all of these posts through American Digest last night.

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At 2:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time warp....Time warp....

I remember Alice Cooper. Feed my Frankenstein & poison are the 2 songs I can remember..

I'm off to the Live 8 concert in hyde park tommorow to see "the who" and various other re-united acts...should be amazing...200,000 people they recon..

At 8:52 PM, Blogger Harry said...

Sounds like fun, but 200,000? Man, that's a lot of people. It's funny, but my 15 year old son now listens to The Who, Eric Clapton, Carlos Santana, Aerosmith, The Ramones (in addition to some of the new bands . . . who ever they are). He won't touch my old vinyl though. He has to have the CDs.


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