Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Another Reminder: Appeasement Doesn't Work - or - Gimme Gimme Gimme, Gimme Some More

According to the Detroit News,
Fitness USA, a gym chain, is investigating an alleged civil rights violation involving a local Muslim woman who says her afternoon prayer was interrupted by a fellow patron, and that her complaint to management about the situation was rejected.

"The manager told me, 'You have to respect her (the patron), but she does not have to respect your God,' " said Wardeh Sultan of Dearborn. "I've had my membership for seven or eight years, and I've never had a problem with praying there.

"I told that manager, 'I can't believe you said that' " Sultan said. "Honestly, I feel humiliated and I feel ashamed, right now, to go back to Fitness USA."
My first thought was, shut up! You already have a divider in the Lincoln Park Fitness USA after complaints about Muslim women having to be viewed by men as they excercised without wearing burkhas. So take your "humiliation" and your "shame" someplace where somebody cares. You can read the article for more Islamic whining.

Debbie Schlussel has the skinny on this latest Islamic supremecist PR stunt.
Well, as with everything involving Islamist troublemakers, there is far more to the story. Here's what I received from the Islamist ADC (American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee) in the Detroit area (headed by "former" Islamic terrorist Imad Hamad). You have to read between the lines, but it sounds like Wardeh Sultan, the Palestinian Muslim chick, got in the way in the women's locker room and picked a fight with the women trying to get around her.

It appears that Sultan objected to other gym members' exercise of free speech. It also appears that the whiny Muslim chick refused to identify herself to gym management and was being so disruptive, she was asked to leave and the police were called. The police arrived and questioned Sultan, and she was forced to leave.

And it looks like from the language used ("claimant") that lawyers are already involved and a lawsuit is already being prepared:
Fitness USA's first mistake was giving in so easily the first time. Now they've established themselves as dhimmis. So what will the insulted Muslims want next? I'm sure they are already mulling that over as they piss and moan over their poor bruised feelings. It's way past time for us to stop giving any sympathy to members of the most intolerant religion on Earth when they complain of intolerance.

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