Sunday, September 09, 2007

Madeline L'Engle

Some books you read and forget about as you move on to the next one. Some stay with you whether you ever read them again or not. A Wrinkle in Time is one that has stayed with me. My mother probably gave it to me back when I was a youngster. I read it a few times as a kid and as a teenager. I also read the other two books in the trilogy, A Wind in the Door and A Swiftly Tilting Planet. I bought the last two when I was in college. Madeline L'Engle was doing a signing at a local bookstore. The three books still sit on my bookshelf across the room. Of course, I recommended them to my children.

Betsy's Page reports that Madeline L'Engle has died. Betsy also links to a fond remembrance by John Podhoretz.

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At 9:38 PM, Blogger Pen of Jen said...

I honestly did not know she was still alive. I have read many of her books and loved the trilogy. But I have read a Wrinkle in Time many times even as an adult!

I too recommend these books. As a Christian, many have told me not to read these books....I do not understand this.

At 1:34 PM, Blogger Rita Loca said...

I also enjoyed these books and read them aloud to my children. I did not know she had died.


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