Tuesday, December 02, 2008


Everyone (or at least it seems like everyone) has demonstrated their disgust at the Mumbai massacre. Some news sources even used the words "Islamic" and "terrorists" in the same paragraph. It may have been accidental, but some of us noticed. The truly stupid are still scratching their heads wondering what could have set these young militants on their murder spree. Melanie Phillips, who should always be listened to, said:
We should pay the closest possible attention to what happened in Mumbai because something on this scale could well happen here.

But because we don't understand what we are actually up against, we are not doing nearly enough to prevent this — or something even worse — occurring; and if it were to happen here, we would be unable to cope.

The Mumbai atrocities show very clearly what too many obdurately deny — that a war is being waged against civilization.

It is both global and local. It is not 'our' fault; it has nothing to do with Muslim poverty, oppression or discrimination.

The Islamic fundamentalist fanatics use specific grievances — Kashmir, Iraq, Palestine, Chechnya — merely as recruiting sergeants for their worldwide holy war against all 'unbelievers'.

The Mumbai attackers targeted British, American and Indian citizens simply because they wanted to kill as many British, American and Indian 'unbelievers' as possible.

Where they found Muslims, they spared them.

They also singled out for slaughter the occupants of an outreach organization geared to Jews with no Israeli or political agenda — underscoring the point that at the core of the Islamists' hatred of Israel festers their hatred of the Jews.

This was not, as is so often described, 'mindless violence'.
The biggest problem we're facing is not the Islamic terrorists though. It's the idiots in the MSM and other opinion makers, who sit with their heads firmly entrenched up their elite buttocks, preferring to wallow in the stench of their own crap rather than admit to the reality of today's world. Small minority . . . hijacking of a great religion . . . How ignorant must someone keep themselves to believe that crap?

It's been reported that,
Despite the evidence presented, there is an incredible disconnect from reality by otherwise rational and reasonable individuals, people in leadership, and some at higher levels in our own law enforcement and intelligence agencies. Why else would one treat with sickening malaise the existence of a bullet-ridden school bus situated on the grounds of a private Islamic commune located at the base of the Catskill Mountains in New York State? This would be the same Islamic compound “of Qu’ranic study” that is outfitted with a firing range, where area residents often hear the sounds of automatic and semi-automatic weapons fire.

How was this group dealt with by local community leaders? Not with the slightest scintilla of suspicion or even curiosity, but with a parade. An actual parade, through the streets of Binghamton, NY, to celebrate interfaith dialogue. What about law enforcement? Well, they consider this commune “good residents,” mostly because they have not had to respond to any “trouble calls” to that location.
It is truly the fault of cowardly leaders in the West, in Europe and the United States that the Islamo Nazis have made this much progress against us.

Will the massacre in Mumbai cause any of our politically correct elite to remove their heads from the comfort of their own asses? Maybe, but I'm guessing they will be few in number. If we are to actually ever fight back it will be in spite of our leaders, not because of them.
“Fear not your enemies, for they can only kill you.
Fear not your friends, for they can only betray you.
Fear only the indifferent, who permit the killers and betrayers
to walk safely on the earth.”
Edward Yashinsky

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At 8:46 AM, Blogger MightyMom said...

great post! right on target.

it's terribly sad and incredibly frightening!

At 6:18 PM, Blogger Rita Loca said...

This is awful to see, but as you say, worse that people still are apologists. It is a war against civilization but the 'civilized' wont acknowledge it.

At 7:39 PM, Blogger Subvet said...

"The biggest problem we're facing is not the Islamic terrorists though. It's the idiots in the MSM and other opinion makers, who sit with their heads firmly entrenched up their elite buttocks, preferring to wallow in the stench of their own crap rather than admit to the reality of today's world."

Well said. The followers of the pedophile prophet seem to be incredibly stupid at times, yet their stupidity pales in comparison to those who are supposed to represent us.

I don't think another 9/11 style atrocity will make any real difference in the governing elite, it'll have to come from John & Joan Q. Public. Sooner or later there will be Hell to pay.

At 11:06 PM, Blogger MightyMom said...

just wanted to say I'm glad that you found the strange video funny, I was a little concerned you would be offended by YHWH's name being used in such a manner. :-)

At 4:49 AM, Blogger Harry said...

I don't get offended easily. The video was obviously not done for malicious reasons. It was meant to be fun - or at least that's the impression I got.

Don't try to convince me that "smooth jazz" is jazz though. That offends me.


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