Friday, May 27, 2005

Mishandling a Charge of Abuse

The headline of the Detroit Free Press Article reads: Pentagon admits to Koran abuse. The bold line below it claims: Guantanamo prisoner takes back toilet claim. Am I just a brainless right-wing extremist, or are these contradictory headlines?

After reading the article, contributed by the Associated Press, the most damning phrase in the article says that ". . . guards or interrogators mishandled the Koran of Muslim prisoners. . .". It goes on to state that the original claim of Koran meeting toilet was retracted. And let's face it. Mishandling is not abuse - unless you condone this article, which was run by the Free Press on the day of Israel's independence, and is chock full of Palestinians condemning Israel and blaming the Jews for all of the problems of the Palestinians.

Did the headline writer not read the article? Or was he or she offering a "nuanced" version of the truth? I'm sure there's no intention to steer the readers' emotions in any anti-American direction. After all, we've been assured time and time again that there is no liberal bias in the Main Stream Media.

Right. I'll believe that on the day I'm ready to purchase that ocean-front property in Nebraska!

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